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What is adaptive microlearning?


Microlearning is more than offering your learners small chunks of content. The micro part is just one tiny piece of the story, but it sometimes steals the headlines. 

For microlearning to be effective in business, it must also adapt continuously to what individual employees know or don’t know.

It must work with human nature, not against it, to help people retain and apply knowledge. 

This type of microlearning uses the latest technology to fill employee knowledge gaps and target specific business challenges.

It’s called adaptive microlearning.  

Adaptive microlearning explained

Adaptive microlearning has its foundation in science.  It’s based on cognitive principles that show how small chunks of digestible learning, consumed continuously at intervals, help knowledge to ‘stick’.

The learning is 100% aligned to a pre-defined performance or business goal, uses engaging tools such as quizzes and gamification, and is accessed via which ever device people prefer.

At the design stage, the content is personalised for each individual, based on their particular circumstances such as their location, department, role, responsibilities and knowledge levels.  A baseline test is taken at the start, so that progress can be recorded. This personalisation ensures the learning is relevant.

Adaptive microlearning is smarter still, adding a further layer of intelligence that takes the learning up to another level. An adaptive microlearning platform, like Axonify, uses data and algorithms to measure progress and spot knowledge gaps.  This provides front line managers with the critical information they need to mentor and coach their team members around specific areas and topics where they are struggling most to maximise their development time together.

And, get this, it can even adapt the learning to each individual employee in real time! So, if knowledge gaps are identified, additional content is delivered until those gaps are filled. It means each learner has their own learning journey and they only learn what they need to learn. The point is, they all get there in the end.

Because the learning is adaptive, it’s also continuous and up-to-date. And, to think, this continual improvement requires just three to five minutes of targeted learning each day.

Achieving goals with adaptive microlearning

Adaptive microlearning is helping global organisations achieve specific business goals and deliver results that contribute to improvement on the bottom line.

They’re using adaptive microlearning because: 

  • They want training that’s relevant to every individual, yet at scale
  • Their busy employees need the learning to be non-disruptive and to hand
  • They want to embed continuous learning that changes behaviours for good
  • They believe learning should tangibly impact employee performance and business results

There’s evidence that adaptive microlearning is turning performance on its head, too. Eighty percent of users say the Axonify platform helps improve their performance, 84% choose to participate at least three times a week, and 60% fewer errors happen when employees use Axonify for workplace learning.

So, to summarise, adaptive microlearning:

  • Fits in with the challenges of businesses today
  • Delivers learning in a way that it can be absorbed and applied on demand
  • Uses engaging tools that drives participation
  • Reaches everyone that needs it
  • Deals only with learning that’s relevant for each individual

Adaptive microlearning transforms results. Fact. And that’s why it matters to business.

To find out more about how microlearning is a game changer for business performance, catch our free session at Learning Technologies 2018 on Feb 01 in Theatre 5 from 13:15 to 13:45.