Trade Based
Money Laundering.
Banks and other financial services providers run an elevated risk of falling victim to money laundering. Employees’ ability to spot the warning signs of money laundering and act appropriately is critical, especially for companies outside the financial sector who may be less aware of the risks. To help achieve this, Sponge’s modular course is designed to transform working habits, create strong behaviours and protect your organisation from money-laundering practices.

Trusted where compliance matters

Trade Based Money Laundering
training solutions.
Our training program "Prevention of Trade Based Money Laundering" helps obligated organisations from the non-financial sector to sensitise their employees to money laundering so that they can recognise warning signals and act correctly in case of suspicion. In addition to the legal basis and the general functioning of money laundering, special emphasis is placed on the due diligence obligations that are important in everyday work, including the identification of politically exposed persons.
Preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.
The course consists of a number of self-contained lessons. You can pick and choose any combination of lessons depending on whether you want to use the standard product or would like more options.
Example lessons to mix and match:
- What is Money Laundering
- Know Your Customer
- Politically Exposed Persons (PEP)
- Red Flags

Never "one-size-fits-all" training.
Prevention of Money Laundering (banks) elearning course FAQs
The specialist author is Dr. Harald Feiler, lawyer and partner at GSK Stockmann. His main areas of focus include compliance for companies regulated primarily by financial regulators, money laundering law and white-collar criminal law.
Yes. Our product experts keep a close eye on legislation changes and updated requirements, releasing new modules or amendments to ensure that your training is up-to-date.
Yes. We’ll set you up with our learning platform to deploy your learning with ease. Depending on your requirements, this can be up and running in as little as a day. But, if you have more complex or involved employee compliance requirements, the platform is an agile and straightforward way to bring together all your employee compliance management requirements.
Yes. All our content is SCORM and TinCAN/xAPI compliant and can be easily integrated with your existing training ecosystem.
Download our Trade Based Money Laundering course elearning course info sheet.
Download our one-page info sheet, which summarises the key facts about our Trade Based Money Laundering training.